Thank you, Air and Earth, We appreciate your prompt return of materials and your superior attention to the details of these jobs.Your work is important to us.
I have added this company to my list of “go to” contacts in the Oklahoma City area.

I just wanted to thank Air & Earth for the many years of great service to LVI. We have been very pleased with the quality, affordability, and the professionalism that Air & Earth has exhibited on projects.
This satisfaction applies to the air monitoring, project designs, consulting, etc. and we appreciate everyone always willing to do what it takes to complete the project on time. Thank you!

Air & Earth has been a provider for INTEGRIS Health for almost 20 years They are reliable, knowledgeable, professional, quick responders who provide service for scheduled and emergency environmental projects at all of our facilities across the State of Oklahoma.
Their prices are reasonable and their service has always been excellent. I can count on them to know about legalities and regulations regarding hazmat, and they have the resources to ensure we are abiding by the law. I would recommend them to any company as a vendor for hazmat monitoring, consulting, project designing, etc.